Zapraszamy do zapoznania się z tematyką realizowaną podczas zajęć z języka angielskiego.
- nauka słownictwa dotyczącego dni tygodnia oraz liczb od 1 do 5
- uczestniczenie w zabawach ruchowych oraz muzycznych
- udzielanie odpowiedzi na określone pytanie
- powtórzenie słów i zwrotów używanych w piosenkach
- utrwalenie określania pogody
Tematy zajęć dla dzieci trzyletnich i czteroletnich:
1. „Numbers”- liczymy od 1 do 5 w języku obcym.
2. „ What’s your name?" - zabawa muzyczna. Reagowanie na polecenia.
3. „ Johnny works with one hammer" - nauka tekstu rymowanki w języku angielskim.
4. „What’s the weather?”- zabawa ruchowa. Określanie pogody.
Johnny works with one hammer (by Songs for teaching)
Johnny works with one hammer,
One hammer, one hammer,
Johnny works with one hammer,
Then he works with two.
Johnny works with two hammers,
Two hammers, two hammers,
Johnny works with two hammers,
Then he works with three.
Johnny works with three hammers,
Three hammers, three hammers,
Johnny works with three hammers,
Then he works with four.
Johnny works with four hammers,
Four hammers, four hammers,
Johnny works with four hammers,
Then he works with five.
Johnny works with five hammers,
Five hammers, five hammers,
Johnny works with five hammers,
Then he goes to sleep.
Tematy zajęć dla dzieci pięcioletnich i sześcioletnich:
1. „What’s the weather?”- zabawa ruchowa. Określanie pogody.
2. „Monday or Tuesday?" - nauka dni tygodnia w j. obcym.
3. „7 Days of the Week" – zapoznanie z piosenką w języku angielskim.
4. „It’s windy" - zabawa z ilustracją. Określanie pogody.
7 Days of the Week by The Learning Station
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday -- Seven days are in a week.
I like to sing them quiet.
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday -- Seven days are in week.
I like to sing them loud.
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday -- Seven days are in week. I like to clap them out.
(Clap with each one) Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday -- Seven days are in week. I like to stomp them out.
(Stomp sound for each one) Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday -- Seven days are in week. I sing them proud.
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday -- Seven days are in week.
- nauka słownictwa dotyczącego dni tygodnia oraz liczb od 1 do 5
- uczestniczenie w zabawach ruchowych oraz muzycznych
- udzielanie odpowiedzi na określone pytanie
- powtórzenie słów i zwrotów używanych w piosenkach
- utrwalenie określania pogody
Tematy zajęć dla dzieci trzyletnich i czteroletnich:
1. „Numbers”- liczymy od 1 do 5 w języku obcym.
2. „ What’s your name?" - zabawa muzyczna. Reagowanie na polecenia.
3. „ Johnny works with one hammer" - nauka tekstu rymowanki w języku angielskim.
4. „What’s the weather?”- zabawa ruchowa. Określanie pogody.
Johnny works with one hammer (by Songs for teaching)
Johnny works with one hammer,
One hammer, one hammer,
Johnny works with one hammer,
Then he works with two.
Johnny works with two hammers,
Two hammers, two hammers,
Johnny works with two hammers,
Then he works with three.
Johnny works with three hammers,
Three hammers, three hammers,
Johnny works with three hammers,
Then he works with four.
Johnny works with four hammers,
Four hammers, four hammers,
Johnny works with four hammers,
Then he works with five.
Johnny works with five hammers,
Five hammers, five hammers,
Johnny works with five hammers,
Then he goes to sleep.
Tematy zajęć dla dzieci pięcioletnich i sześcioletnich:
1. „What’s the weather?”- zabawa ruchowa. Określanie pogody.
2. „Monday or Tuesday?" - nauka dni tygodnia w j. obcym.
3. „7 Days of the Week" – zapoznanie z piosenką w języku angielskim.
4. „It’s windy" - zabawa z ilustracją. Określanie pogody.
7 Days of the Week by The Learning Station
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday -- Seven days are in a week.
I like to sing them quiet.
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday -- Seven days are in week.
I like to sing them loud.
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday -- Seven days are in week. I like to clap them out.
(Clap with each one) Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday -- Seven days are in week. I like to stomp them out.
(Stomp sound for each one) Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday -- Seven days are in week. I sing them proud.
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday -- Seven days are in week.